Some of them were on:
After organizing the above named activities the number of members rose from 40 to 100 and on 16th September, 1979 the first general meeting of all the members was held and the following were elected:OFFICE BEARERS:
- Brother Mohammed Goso Ibrahim-Chairman
- Brother Mbarak Abdalla Salim-Vice Chairman
- Brother Abdalla Said Yislam-Secretary General
- Brother Twalib Awadh Barakat -Asst.Secretary General
- Brother Ahmed Aboud Hadi-Treasurer
- Brother Salim Said Yislam-Organising Secretary
Brother Swaleh Salim Abdusheikh
Brother Abdillahi Bwanakai
Brother Abdulaziz Abdulrahman
- Brother Athman Mohammed Mahdaly
- Brother Jelani Nourani Baaz
- Brother Makka Kharti Suleiman
- Ahmed Aboud Gandous
- Brother Aboud Salim Bazmaleh
The aim was to carter for the less fortune people by providing Medical health care facilities for Malindi residence at a discounted rate. Tawfiq Health care further grew in his facilities over the years to become a small hospital with operating theaters, eye clinics , Dentistry facilities , maternity wing and pediatrics wing. Tawfiq Hospital has now found itself having to upgrade its facilities in order to accommodated for the changing times and to carter for not just Malindi residence but coast Province and beyond. It is at this point that a need to prepare a Master Plan for the future of this hospital to thought through carefully and organized on how it should be implemented.