The idea of forming the Tawfiq Muslim Youth was first started in 1978. What geared to the inspiration of this society was from the opportunity accorded to our brothers who attended Muslim Student Congress in Njoro, 1977. The Congress was organized by Young Muslim Association of Nairobi and privileged the following brothers from Malindi to attend
1. Brother Abdalla Said Yislam who represented Mombasa polytechnic.
2. Brother Abubakar Shaaban who represented Malindi High School
3. Brother Mahsen Mahdy who represented Malindi High School
4. Brother Twalib Awadh Barakat who represented Malindi High School
As an inspiration of the Congress the above mentioned brothers met with some of their brothers of Malindi town in the Holy month of Ramadhan and discussed how they would mobilize the youths in Islamic movement.
In many of their meetings held for the same, they reached a decision of establishing a Muslim Youth organization which shall consolidate youth activities and movement in Malindi. This was no other than Tawfiq Muslim Youth. Thereafter followed the task of drafting the constitution and applying for its registration with the Registrar of Societies of Kenya. Here we wished to longue our appreciations and gratitude to Sheikh Ali Mohammed Shee (former Kadhi for Malindi, Mombasa and Wajir) together with sheikh Ali Darani (present Kadhi of Nairobi )who helped in the registration of the society
The Society was registered on 24th May, 1979 with only fifteen founder members. Immediately the registered was done campaign begun to recruit and convince more youths to join the Society. Thus the following activities were organized:
1. Two lectures on the role of the youth in the Islamic societies and revival of the Islamic activities were delivered by Sheikh Ali Mohammed Shee and Ustadh Mohammed Sharif Said respectively.
2. As a quick means of raising funds for the Society , the members organized two video shows focusing Al-Risala and was able to collect KSHs.3000/= .
3. Our brothers of Ansaar Muslim Youth from Mombasa brought to drama in order to boost financial position of the Society. These plays helped to realize over KSHs. 10,000/=\par